Friday, October 23, 2009

Two Jokes

Joke #1
One day, there was a woman laying int he hospital. She saw Jesus appear to her side and she said, "why am I dying" and he said, "you have 30 more years to live." So she decided to make the best out of it and she got hair transplant, makeup done, plastic surgery. When she was walking out of the hospital, she got hit by an ambulance. In heaven, she said to Jesus, "I thought I had 30 more years to live." And Jesus says, "I didn't recognize you."

Joke #2
There were 6 cows. One was named Daisey, one was named Sunflower and one was name Brick. One day Daisey asked her mother, "why did you name me Daisey." Her mother said, "because a daisey landed on your head when you were born."

The next day Sunflower
asked her mother, "why did you name me Sunflower." Her mother said, "because a sunflower landed on your head when you were born."

And Brick says, "duuuuhhhhh."


  1. hey Em. I love that I got to hear the joke come out of YOUR mouth when I was visiting! It was are a great joke teller...keep up the jokes. They are always good to have in your back pocket. You never know when you'll need one!
