Wednesday, October 3, 2012

fracking is it good or bad?

 My Friend Zoe and I  wrought this document  on fracking  tell me what your thoughts are.  Here it is  

Dear people who live in the meadows,
“Fracking. Is it good or bad?” Fracking isn’t just bad for the environment it’s bad for your health. Some people get muscle spasms, cancer, coughing and in some cases dying.     
Fracking releases natural gas into the air and our drinking water. Because of this people can’t go outside for more than ten minutes to play in their own back yard.
“Do you want to know what happens to our water?” Well I’ll tell you. Every three and a half days oil or gas comes up to our surface water. In the mountains of Colorado, the water is actually flammable. You don’t want that to happen in the Meadows because the town of Castle Rock is thinking of drilling in the Meadows by our homes without us even giving us a say.
Imagine your family, your kids, YOU, getting sick, having muscle spasms, getting cancer, or even dying just because people are fracking for their own good, they think they know everything thats going to happen (nothing) but then they will regret it when they get diseases or when some of their family members DIE.  We are also speaking for ourselves because we don’t want anything to happen to our families. “ What  will happen to our animals?” Think about your animals, your cats, your dogs, your hamsters and guinea pigs, your birds and even your fish and reptiles.  They are all in danger because of fracking. Think that if you’re a person that fracks and you decide to drill near your home and you kid’s pet dies because of natural gas in the air he/she will be really mad and that will endanger your relationship with him/her and then your wife/husband will try to help and that will turn into a disaster. We both have pets and we love love them. Please don’t wreck our lives because you kill our animals.
Castle rock is voted one of the best places to live in the country. We don’t want to ruin that do we? If we frack here it will make Castle Rock look junky. Also fracking companies use 65 different types of chemicals just to run the machines it gets in our water and they don’t tell us so our water gets polluted.
The animals we love:
Zoe- 2 cats, Pirate and Jack.
Emily-1 dog Lady    Hi. I’m Emily and a few years ago my baby brother got very sick and died. Now I have another baby brother and I don’t want to go through that hard experience again. I live in the Meadows. Please don’t frack here near my home.
Hi. I’m Zoe and I’ve had pets and family members die. I really care about my cats and my family and I don’t want them to frack here. I don’t live in the Meadows yet but soon I will, so please don’t frack here.     We got our information from you tube videos on fracking and natural gas we also got our info from our teacher.  And the internet.
Here are the companies that have permission to drill in Douglas CO.
Chesapeake Exploration: 103
Meredith Land & Minerals: 55
Great Western Oil & Gas: 16
Total for Douglas County: 214    
                                    Written by, Zoe Maurice-Snider and Emily Graves

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